
14 binders full of child porn found in Queen Anne dumpster, man arrested

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SEATTLE, Wash. — Seattle police say they have arrested a 63-year-old man after someone found 14 binders full of pictures of child porn in a dumpster.

On March 3, police say two people who are homeless were rummaging through a dumpster on Queen Avenue North when they found the binders.

They immediately called 911.

Officers dug through the dumpster and say they found loose papers containing the man’s name.

Some of the material in the binders appeared to have been printed out from a computer with dates ranging from 1998 to 2013.

Following the discovery, Seattle police detectives got to work tracking down the man.

On March 21, officers served a search warrant at the 63-year-old’s Seattle apartment. They took him into custody and interviewed him.

During the interview, police say the man admitted to tossing the binders into a dumpster near his apartment. Police say he admitted to molesting about 50 children but stopped when he was arrested for it in 1983.

Officers say he also admitted to viewing and printing child porn in the late 1990s to early 2000s.

As Seattle police officers continued their investigation, they claim to have found more images on the man’s home computer and found more printouts in boxes in his apartment.

The man was arrested and booked into the King County Jail.