
‘Be prepared’: WSDOT urges caution as Puget Sound gets first snow


WHATCOM COUNTY, Wash. — A couple of rounds of snow made its way through the North Sounds Saturday morning and afternoon, leaving behind an inch or so of wet, heavy snow in some communities.

They are some of the first flakes to fall for many lowland neighborhoods, as a round of cold and potential snow moves into Western Washington to begin the month of February.

“Our crews are out there monitoring the conditions,” said Aisha Dayal, a WSDOT Spokesperson. “We’re fully staffed and we’re able to adjust resources as needed to different areas as we see and as conditions change.”

Dayal said WSDOT crews are treating roads with either deicer or salt, depending on what is needed. As the wet slush and heavy bouts of rain impacted much of the region, the potential for roads to refreeze has the agency warning people to drive carefully, if they need to travel.

“Before you head out, really be prepared and know what you’re getting into and the conditions,” Dayal said. “Throughout the night or when you get out tomorrow morning to really look at the icy conditions that might be happening, Sometimes you might not see snow or ice or frost on the road, but that doesn’t mean things like black ice aren’t there.”