
Black cats get lucky when cries are heard coming from Marysville storm drain

MARYSVILLE, Wash. — Who says black cats mean bad luck?

Regardless of the superstition, two black kittens got lucky when their tiny cries were heard coming from a Marysville storm drain.

Police said a neighbor called 911 for help after they heard meowing near Marysville-Getchell High School on Saturday.

Marysville Police Community Service Officer Mette went to check out the situation and then asked firefighters in the Marysville Fire District for help freeing the felines.

Firefighters used rescue equipment to lure one of the kittens out of the pipe under the road.

The other kitten was found and scooped up by officers in a yard.

Mette then took the kittens to the Everett Animal Shelter, but not before wrapping them up in a towel and giving them a tasty treat.