
Heads up, drivers! I-5 closures through Seattle are coming

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SEATTLE, Wash. — The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) says a series of lane reductions and ramp closures will impact drivers on Interstate 5 this week through Seattle.

WSDOT says people traveling near downtown on the nights of March 12 and 13 (Wednesday and Thursday) should be aware of the following changes:

Northbound I-5 closures

I-5 leaving downtown Seattle will be reduced to two lanes from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. between Harvard Avenue East and Northeast 45th Street.

The on-ramp from Harvard Avenue East to northbound I-5 will close. Signed detours will guide travelers around the ramp closure.

These closures allow contractor crews to conduct critical maintenance work as they prepare for the construction of the I-5/Yesler Way to Northgate Vicinity project, which is the next phase of Revive I-5.

Southbound I-5 closures

Just south of the Lake Washington Ship Canal Bridge, from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., the right lane of southbound I-5 will close.

The Boylston Avenue East off-ramp will also close during the same hours.

WSDOT contractor crews will continue work on a noise wall in the area.

Mercer Street ramp closures

The northbound I-5 off-ramp to Mercer Street and the eastbound Mercer on-ramp to southbound I-5 will close from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. for tunnel maintenance. The closures will allow crews to complete drainage inspections.