LYNNWOOD, Wash. — People driving in Snohomish County may see new electronic billboards aimed at helping a Lynnwood mother whose daughter was killed in a hit-and-run crash.
30-year-old Taylor Druliner passed away Saturday morning, March 30th.
Her family took her off life support after she had been in a coma at Harborview Medical Center.
Her injuries caused by a crash on State Route 99, just south of 148th Street in Lynnwood, on March 19th.
Washington State Patrol troopers are looking for a driver of a dark-colored car, possibly a Toyota Corolla, that struck Druliner as she was walking home from work.
Carol McKinnon, Druliner’s mother, said Parker Outdoor donated three billboards to help her family last Saturday.
One billboard is located off 128th Street in Everett, and two are located near State Route 522 in Woodinville.
The billboards are aimed to reach other demographics - those who do not watch TV - who may have answers about her daughter’s death, McKinnon said.
“I truly believe anything can make a difference. It only takes one person to have the right information,” she said. “People that take the buses around here that are just walking around past here.”
“‘Would you want your loved one to pay with their life and no one be held accountable?’” she asked. “I miss her every day.”
Brecca Blas, the victim’s close friend, remembers that tragic morning clearly.
“My heart was racing. I was in a shear panic and I felt like I couldn’t get to her fast enough,” she shared. “It has been torturous. And it was her birthday yesterday.”
Blas said the new billboards give her and other loved ones hope as they’re desperately searching for answers.
“I feel like them (suspect) running is what’s causing the most hurt and anger for us all,” she said. “My heart just hurts.”
The electronic billboards raising awareness about Druliner’s death will be seen by passing drivers through April 17th.
McKinnon said her family is currently creating a memorial and plans to place it near the crash site in about two weeks.
As loved ones celebrated Druliner’s birthday on Monday, they are more motivated to find the suspect who killed a woman who left an impact on those around her.
“Just to not even have that anymore. To have that outlet or best friend to confide in is pretty devastating,” Blas said. “When she’s very close to you, her shell just comes out. She would just be silly all the time and she would make funny noises and dances. Lots of laughing. She’s very fun.”
If you have any information that may help detectives find the driver responsible for Druliner’s death, you’re asked to call Detective Dan Comnick at 360-654-1144 or email him at
Loved ones created a GoFundMe to help the family during this difficult time. If you would like to help, please click here.
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