
Over a hundred pounds of clams were seized by state police on Vashon Island

Seized clams in Vashon Island (WDFW Police)

VASHON, Wash. — On Tuesday morning, police with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife stopped four people who were clam fishing for harvesting more clams than they were legally allowed to catch.

The officer connected with the fisherman as they were returning to their car.

The officer spotted many 5-gal buckets and one of the clamdiggers trying to hide a bucket in the woods.

WDFW Police said that three of the four had licenses to harvest clams but they harvested more than the daily allowance.

According to WDFW Police, the law only allows 40 clams per harvester or 10 pounds, which meant that the maximum allowed to be harvested for the three licensed clamdiggers was 30 pounds.

However, the officer found a total of 1,255 clams that weighed over 108 pounds.

The clams were taken and the clamdiggers were ticketed for various violations.

There is no word on how long it took to count the clams.

To learn more about shellfish rules click here.