
Several road signs stolen in Whatcom County

An Ohio man ticketed for rolling through a stop sign doubled his fine, sending checks to the village and the officer who wrote him the citation.

WHATCOM COUNTY, Wash. — Multiple road signs were stolen in unincorporated Whatcom County, leaving residential streets vulnerable to avoidable traffic accidents.

According to the Blaine Police Department, thieves have stolen multiple street signs — including stop and pedestrian crosswalk signs — putting both motorists and pedestrians at risk.

The Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office (WSCO) could confirm that six signs—five stop signs and one road sign — were stolen at the following locations in the Birch Bay area:

January 26: Grandview / Point Whitehorn

February 16: Grandview/ Point Whitehorn (two signs missing)

March 1: Harvey / Sweet

March 3: Anderson Rd and Harborview Rd

March 1: Harvey Rd sign missing

Whatcom County Public Works oversees replacing the signs and said that since Saturday, March 1, Whatcom County has had 28 road signs stolen across Birch Bay, including the following signs:

5 - Stop

1 - Stop Ahead

4 - Speed Limits

9 - Turn ahead signs

7 - Advisory speed signs

2 - School bus stop ahead signs

While these road signs have all since been replaced, Whatcom County Public Works said in a statement: “Not only does this vandalism cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars, this foolish and irresponsible activity puts the community at significant risk.”

Deputies found that only the signs were removed, but the posts were left behind. However, in one case the post was removed from the ground and lying in the ditch.

Luckily, they were unaware of any collisions caused by the missing signs.

Blaine PD acknowledged that the theft is also costly for taxpayers, adding that each stop sign costs approximately $250 in materials and labor to replace. Whatcom County Public Works said community agencies are continuing to check the area for continued vandalism.

There are no suspects yet, but WSCO encouraged anyone with information regarding potential suspects to call 911.